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Accessibility + content design: a powerful combo to make you a better developer

A silly story that helps illustrate the benefits of understanding both accessibility and content design.


If you didn’t learn about accessibility when you were learning development, you’re not alone. Even today it’s rare to find a development course offering more than a passing mention.

Writing accessible code, at its core, means writing code correctly. When combined with accessible content design, it will make your site generally more usable.

But more importantly, it enables people with disabilities to experience, and use the internet. In the world we live in today, that is unquestionably a human right.

Learning accessibility is no small task. There is much to learn, but it can be broken up into phases. Many certification courses will provide study outlines, or you can create your own. No matter how you choose to learn, it is well worth the effort.

Here are just a few of the basics:

You’ll learn about WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), which will give you:

  • A framework to help you understand the basic concepts of accessible web content.
  • Success Criteria that provide techniques and a framework for testing your work.
  • A deeper understanding of how an inaccessible web impacts people with disabilities.

You’ll learn about ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), which has:

  • A library of existing patterns for web components in the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG).
  • The expected keyboard patterns for these components.
  • Best practices around designing keyboard patterns for novel components.
  • Roles, states, and properties of elements on the web.

You will dive deeper into semantic HTML, and understand why it is critical for those using assistive technologies.

Some examples of how this knowledge will benefit you as a developer:

  • Your perspective will be more inclusive. Not all users use a mouse. Not all users can see the screen. You’ll move away from this “default thinking.”
  • Your code will be more performant. Semantic and well-structured code requires less scripting and fewer DOM nodes.
  • Your code will be SEO-friendly. Using semantic elements and avoiding duplication of content is good for SEO rankings.
  • You’re less likely to create device-specific bugs. Alternative input methods will be top-of-mind. Using built-in browser functionality is more reliable than custom coding.
  • You will be more confident. You’ll learn to quickly break down designs into known components and patterns.
  • You will be more efficient. You’ll see design issues in refinement, instead of bending over backward to fix them in code.
  • You will be more employable. This case study notes that “A study reported that web designers with competence in solving accessibility problems are more employable.”

How content design thinking and accessibility work together

Content design is about determining the best way to present the info people need to get stuff done—before getting into detailed interface design. Once the content and story interactions are clear, the design should center around that story flow and reinforce it.

Developers can play a role in this by helping to preserve the meaning of content when they see it getting lost in design translation. It can be a strong habit to look at a visual design and immediately start converting it into a layout. But by seeing a design first as a content outline, it becomes easier to recognize potential issues.

Many of the skills you gain learning accessibility support this kind of thinking. We’ll use an example to demonstrate this in action.

Starting with a visual design, we’ll examine how the average developer might start to break this down conceptually.

A story of space creatures

For this mental exercise, we’ll put together a fake team:

  • Ted: The designer. He’s new on the job, but he’s doing his best.
  • Chadwick: a traditionally trained front-end developer.
  • Allie: a front-end developer who trained in accessibility best practices.

We’ll pretend this design contains actual content and not Forcem Ipsum.

This is how the design came in from Ted.

screen capture of the mobile version of the site, described in caption

Shown above: The mobile version of the layout, showing the content in understandable reading order. The full text of the layout is below, but it is not necessary to read it to understand this article (maybe just to get a laugh).

Show full image text

Note: the heading levels are given here based on appearance (size).

Image of a child (will be described below, no spoilers!)

Heading level 1: Ewoks and ET: A Risky Mix

The approach will not be easy. You are required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point.

The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station. Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is ray-shielded, so you’ll have to use proton torpedoes.

May the Force be with you!

Heading level 2: Speeder bikes AND flying bicycles?

At least the information in Artoo is still intact. What's so important? What's he carrying? The technical readouts of that battle station. I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found. It's not over yet! It is for me, sister!

She lied! She lied to us! I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion. Terminate her...immediately! Stand by, Chewie, here we go. Cut in the sublight engines. What the...? Aw, we've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower.

Heading level 3: Speeder bike technology

You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work. Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I even amaze myself. That doesn't sound too hard. Besides, they let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape. call that easy? Their tracking us! Not this ship, sister.

Image of a wookie (again, description below, no spoilers).

Heading level 2: What about Wookiees?

They'll have that shield down on time.

Earned it, I have. Master Yoda, you can't die. Strong am I with the Force. but not that strong! Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall.

He will come to you and then you will bring him before me. As you wish. Luke! Luke! Oh, Master Luke. I'm afraid that Artoo's sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia.

Wait, Leia! Quick! Jam their comlink. Center switch! Hey, wait! Ahhh! Move closer! Get alongside that one! Get him! Keep on that one! I'll take these two!

screen capture of the desktop version of the site, described in caption

Shown above: The desktop version of the layout.

In this version, the content appears to be in two columns, and the order has changed. Now "What about Wookiees?" comes right after the opening section, and the image of the Wookie has moved to the end of the content.

When the team meets to review the design before development, Ted asks if there is anything that needs clarification.

Chadwick’s review

Chadwick thinks about the visual design and how it compares between desktop and mobile. He looks at which elements shift, and thinks about how to do this with CSS. He notes a few things:

  • It’s clearly a column design on desktop.
  • The elements are in a different order between desktop and mobile. He thinks through ways to handle that:
    • CSS Grid? Maybe. He could rearrange the content with grid-template-areas. But with the column design, he would likely have gaps as the page resized. Any answer to that is likely to be quite fussy, but possible.
    • He could duplicate the content and use CSS to show/hide the areas at different breakpoints.
    • He could use a buffered resize listener to move the content on page resize.
  • Other than that, it’s just basic elements - heading, text, and images.

Chadwick asks Ted asks a few questions about how the page layout changes at different breakpoints. Other than that, he thinks he’s got it.

Allie’s review

Allie takes a content-first, accessibility-focused approach. For this design, she considers:

  • Semantic HTML and reading order.
  • The way assistive technology will interact with the page.
  • Other ways that users might experience the page, or change the display.

This brings a few things to light:

  1. There is non-text content (images) that will need alternative text for those who can’t see the screen.
  2. The banner under the “What about Wookiees” heading only exists on desktop.
  3. The design dictates a change in reading order.

She addresses these issues one at a time.

(#1) Missing alternative text

She asks about #1 (alternative text for the images) first. Ted quickly scratches out some alternative text, and their project manager adds it to the ticket:

  • Image 1: “An eight-year-old child with a bowl haircut, wearing pink corduroy pants and a baseball shirt with blue arms and E.T. on the front. She stands holding a cardboard cutout of an Ewok, in front of a Star Wars backdrop.”
  • Image 2: “A line sketch of a Wookiee, by an artist who is clearly quite skilled.”

(#2) Content exists on the desktop layout that is missing on mobile

Allie asks Ted about the “Did you know…” banner that is added on desktop. Ted decided to add this to give the page a bit more visual flair and help with the layout balance.

Allie frowns. “So if someone uses a screen magnifier, they may trigger the mobile version of the page. That content will essentially never be available for that person. That’s also a violation of WCAG Success Criteria 1.4.4: Resize Text (Level AA). Is that content important?”

(#3) Changes in reading order

She does a mental outline of the hierarchy and changes in the reading order.

For now, she leaves out sectioning elements, like <article> or <section>. However, she notes that they would be difficult to use properly on the desktop version.

  • img: Ewoks and et picture
  • h1: Ewoks and E.T.: A Risky Mix
    • p: related content
    • h2: Speeder bikes AND flying bicycles?
      • p: related content
      • h3: Speeder bike technology
        • p: related content
    • img: Wookiee picture
    • h2: But what about Wookiees
      • p: Wookiee-related content
  • h1: Ewoks and E.T.: A Risky Mix
    • p: related content
  • img: Ewoks and E.T. picture
    • h2: But what about Wookiees
      • p: Did you know? ...
      • p: related content
    • h2: Speeder bikes AND flying bicycles?
      • p: related content
      • h3: Speeder bike technology
        • p: related content
    • img: Wookiee picture

Looking at the content this way, she notes that the order of the content changes significantly on desktop.

One of these changes is fine. The picture related to the “Ewoks and E.T.” content still stays tangential to the content. Whether before or after doesn’t affect meaning or understanding.

However, the sections change reading order, and the Wookiee picture ends up no longer being in a section with its related text.

Allie asks Ted about this. He explains that he wanted the Speeder bikes section to be above the fold. The column design was mostly used to help the image layout.

“Unfortunately,” Allie says, “This will create a reading order that changes meaning on desktop. Not only for screen reader users—but also for desktop users that follow the vertical column flow to read. They will have a disjointed reading experience, where content is read out of order. This is a violation of WCAG Success Criteria 1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence (Level A).”

The pushback

Chadwick is looking a little annoyed at this point. “Allie,” he says, “it’s not our job to question the design, we just implement it.”

Allie shakes her head. “Sorry Chadwick, but it is our job to question a design if we can’t implement it in an accessible way. Not to mention, if the content retains the same order on desktop, there will be other benefits. Namely: performance, SEO, and code maintainability.”

“For example, duplicating content means extra DOM nodes, which is bad for performance and code maintenance. When that content includes heading tags, it can also be bad for SEO.”

Chadwick interjects: “Ok, fine, then we’ll use Javascript to move the content with a resize listener.”

Allie replies, “That covers SEO, but is still affecting reading order, performance, and code maintenance.”

“CSS grid? Rearranging the content in template areas?”

Allie sighs. “Even if you could get that to work, you still would have an issue with the reading order. And any changes in the content would mean reworking the grid.”

At this point, Ted jumps in. “No worries team. I had some of these thoughts myself when working on the design. I’ll take this one back to the drawing board for now, and we can look at it again in the next refinement session.”

The redesign

Two weeks pass, and Ted has come back with a new design. He’s thrilled to present it.

screen capture of the fixed version of the deskop design, described in caption

Shown above: The fixed desktop version of the layout.

In this version, the content is in the same general order as the mobile design. There are two rows this time. The first one has the image of the child on the left, and the paragraphs about "Ewoks and ET" and "Speeder bikes" on the right. The next row is centered with a border and contains the Wookiee-related text on the left, with the Wookiee drawing on the right.

“In this new design, I can show the full picture of this fashionable child, including these astounding pink pants. This design should also work better at tablet size than the last one did.”

Allie looks it over, doing a quick mental outline. Now all the content is in the same order/hierarchy, except for the Wookiee picture. But the picture is still tangential to the related content, so that’s fine. She gives a nod of approval. “It looks like you decided to get rid of that extra banner in the Wookiee section?”

“Yeah,” Ted smiles sheepishly, “that never really fit with the purpose of the content. It was just filler - so I took it out.”

Now both developers are happy with the design. Furthermore, Ted has learned to think in a more content-first manner, so his next design will take that into account.

Was it a little awkward at first? Sure. But in the end, these tough conversations result in an improved experience for everyone.

The new design has improved in many ways:

  • It’s more performant and SEO-friendly.
  • The page has a more natural and readable flow for all users.
  • The code will be more maintainable, as it won’t need any hacks to work around an inaccessible design. 
  • The developer won’t have to interrupt the designer after they’ve moved on to the next project (for example, to ask for alternative text).
  • And of course, the page will be accessible: delivering an equal experience for users with disabilities.

The bottom line is, you can’t take any design and make it accessible. If the design itself is not accessible, it is your place to speak up as a developer.

Both design and development are more likely to be accessible if they center around the content. If we can all align in that thinking, we can help each other improve.


Accessibility basics

ARIA - Accessible Rich Internet Applications

Semantic HTML

Content Design

Tutorials and resources for beginners

Tools and reference

There are far too many tools to list all the good ones. This list is slimmed down to some of those tools I use on a regular basis. Start with a few and see how they work for you.


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